Medicine – one of the most competitive, demanding and difficult courses that higher education has to offer. The selection process is vigorous and intense, the aptitude tests completely foreign to what we learn in class and I haven’t even mentioned the sky-high minimum entry requirements! Getting in is undoubtedly laborious, but not impossible. Last year (2015) in our own school alone, 16 students successful procured their place, with 19 successful applicants the year before.

So the real question is how and what must we do to be among these students in 2017? There is a vast amount of information we must know before we apply and for us to decide that being a doctor is really what we want.

From detailed information about course requirements, BMAT and UKCAT practice, ethical debates, medicine in the news, tips from this year’s applicants and much more, our aim is to keep you informed and build on our knowledge and skills collectively. We will post the presentations delivered in our weekly meetings (1:30 in Lab 9) and a plethora of resources we all can use to boost our application and enhance our own knowledge.

Stay tuned and make sure to subscribe and share for more useful content every week!

– Nusaiba 🙂